Tuesday, June 9, 2009


One thing i never was able to wrap my over-large head around was suicide..WTF!!!i understand that people feel as though that they must run away from theyre problems but killing yourself wont do a damn thing but bring hurt, resentment, melacholy, etc..2 of my dearest friends have also expericed this type of thing...this is why i had decide to write about it..you see suicide to many is an escape way so they can stop dealing with problems..all i have to say personally is its not...one of my closet friends had commited suicide back in the summer of 2008..he had decided to sit in freezen cold ice water and slice both his wrist resulting in bleeding to death.they had found his body 10mins later life less..a letter he left behind read that he had done this because of the harrassessment he was enduring from people just because he was different..Honestly..if i could see him now i would tell him how stupid he was and how he rocked everyones life..how he destoryed friendships..marriages..and even LIVES..you see the person who found his lifeless body was his then 10year old brother, Drew......
Drew has never been the same...ive seen the most active, talktive kid who you couldnt pay to shut up barely speak..people say that Anthony didnt just take his lfe away..that he took the hearts of everyone he loved, his parents marriage, Drews being with him to the afterlife...if i could eva have the chance to be able to talk some one out of suicide i would do it in a heart beat...
lOvE yOU AntOny

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